
Message from Dr. Hollow

May 7, 2020

Dear AAIP Members


I realize that many of you are wondering whether we are going to have an annual meeting this year and if so, whether it will be in person or a virtual meeting. The AAIP board will meet Wednesday of next week and will decide whether we will meet at all this year, meet in person or hold a virtual meeting.  We will post the decision on our AAIP website on Friday, May 15th. 


Some of you have also asked how we are going to handle voting this year.  The governance committee met last night and after reviewing our by-laws, we are prepared to hold an election by electronic ballot if we cannot hold an in-person annual meeting. To do so we will need to send out the electronic ballots to all members who are up to date on their dues, so be prepared to receive a reminder about your dues if they are coming up before the election. 


Thank you all for your patience and I look forward to the day that we meet again in person.  


Walt Hollow

President, AAIP