2023 Medical School Application Workshop
The Objectives of the AIAN Applicant Workshop are to:
Gain an understanding of how the medical school admissions process works
Learn about the medical school interview experience and practice the MMIs
Receive one-on-one feedback on how to write an effective personal statement and request letters of recommendation
Learn of additional resources that exist for AIAN medical students (ANAMS, medical student panel, Wy’east presentation)
Discuss the nuances of navigating western dominated medical school as an AIAN
The AIAN Applicant Workshop is intended for American Indian/Alaska Natives who intend on applying to medical school in one or two years.
To be eligible for the AIAN Applicant Workshop, the following criteria is strongly recommended:
Possess a completed personal statement (you will use this for your application and during the workshop)
Have some familiarity with the medical school interview process (i.e. multiple mini interviews, one-on-one interviews)
Have previously taken the MCAT or have taken practice MCAT tests