
2014 PRIDoC Conference to be held in Taiwan

May 28, 2014
Posted by AAIP News on 05/28/2014

2014 PRIDoC Conference to be held in Taiwan in November

Medical Association for Indigenous People of Taiwan (MAIPT) is proud to host the upcoming The 7th Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors’ Congress Conference (PRIDoC) in Taiwan. The conference held every two years is dedicated to promote health and well-being of Indigenous peoples of the Pacific. In November, 2014 the gathering will be taking place at the Parkview Hotel, Hualein, Taiwan, bringing together, in a safe and positive environment, Indigenous medical practitioners, students, and health professionals from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America, Hawaii, Taiwan, and across the Pacific to learn from each other, to stimulate research, and to work together toward more culturally competent and efficient health services.

Registration will open a few weeks. If you would like more information please email