AAIP ‘Ask A Native Physician’ Provider Only Town Hall
April 23, 2020
Dear I/T/U Providers and others:
Greetings from the Association of America Indian Physicians (AAIP) and the Indian Health Service!
Please take note: All I/T/U providers across Indian Country are cordially invited to participate in a Tribal Health Center COVID-19 Town Hall conversation scheduled Sunday April 26, 2020 at 5 PM EDT.
Walt Hollow, MD, President of AAIP stated:
‘Any clinical provider who works in the I/T/U system providing clinical care for AI/AN patients, please call in and share your success, issues and problems you may be experiencing during the Coronavirus pandemic.’
AAIP and IHS want to hear and learn from you. Our hope is we can better understand what may need to occur at the national level to help you as a provider to you care for Indian patients. Please join us. Thank you.’
Feel free to pass this message along to anyone you deem would benefit from this important conversation and discussion.
Tom Anderson is inviting you to a scheduled Native Physician’s ‘Provider Only Town Hall Conversation:
Who: The Association of American Indian Physicians and the Indian Health Service
What: Topic: AAIP IHS ‘Provider Only’ COVID-19 Discussion
When: Sunday, Apr 26, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) / 5 PM EDT / 2 PM PDT
Where: Join the Town Hall Discussion via phone
Meeting Call Number: 1 877 304 6409
Password: 405 946 7651
Stay well and be safe!
We all have a lot more to do and much more to gain before we get through the pandemic.
Thank you.
Tom Anderson for AAIP