AAIP participates during the American Indian Science and Engineering Society National Conference
October 22, 2018
The Annual AISES National Conference is a one of a kind, three-day event focusing on educational, professional and workforce development. Attendees include American Indian high school and college students, educators, professionals, tribal nations and tribal enterprises, universities, corporations, and government agencies.
The AISES National Conference has become the premier event for American Indian Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) students and professionals attracting over 2,000 attendees from across the country.
The conference was held at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City, OK. AAIP Executive Director, Tom Anderson, was present for the university tour taking place at the Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City campus where students were introduced to the wide range of college and career paths found in the Oklahoma City community.
Read the article posted in The Washington Times on Sunday, October 21st.