
For AAIP Members

June 13, 2020
Posted by Margaret Knight on 06/13/2020

June 13, 2020

Dear AAIP Members, 

As you are aware, the AAIP Board of Directors have voted to cancel the AAIP 49thAnnual Meeting and Health Conference however the AAIP Annual Business Meeting is to be conducted “virtually” over two days.  The AAIP Board has set the dates below for the virtual Annual Business Meeting:

Thursday, August 6th,2020 beginning at 11 AM EDTand continuing until 5 PM EST (membership may adjust the meeting timeframe for less that what is allocated here)


Friday, August 7th, 2020 11 AM EDT to 1 PM EDTfor voting of board candidate nominees.  The voting procedure shall be delineated in another email to follow.  Four positions are to be filled for the 2020-2021 AAIP Board of Directors 

Please note:  To be considered as an AAIP Board candidate or nominee, membership dues MUST be current.



Walt Hollow, MD

AAIP President