National Institute of Health seeks nominations for Tribal Consultation Advisory Committee (TCAC)
October 1, 2014
NIH is seeking nominations for 17 TCAC members: 12 area representatives and 5 national at-large members. Each area representative must be an elected official or a tribal employee, who is designated to act on behalf of a tribal leader and is qualified to represent the views of the Indian Tribes in the area for which he/she is being nominated. Each national at-large representative must be an elected official or designated representative who is qualified to represent the views of tribes from a national collective perspective (for example, views of groups such as the National Congress of American Indians or the National Indian Health Board).
Nominations are due by October 17, 2014, and should be sent to:
Kathy Etz, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor for Tribal Affairs to the NIH Principal Deputy Director
1 Center Drive, Building 1, Room 108
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
We plan to notify members in November 2014 and convene the first TCAC meeting by February 2015.
More information about NIH can be found at