
Oklahoma City Area Inter Tribal Health Board Awarded $850,

October 1, 2014
Posted by AAIP News on 10/01/2014


Tribal Program Award Press Release
Contact: Tom Anderson – 405-652-9204
September 25, 2014

Oklahoma City Area Inter Tribal Health Board Awarded $850,000 to Drive Down Chronic Diseases in the Oklahoma City Indian Health Service Area

-New program addresses tobacco, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke in Indian Country

On September 25, 2014 the Oklahoma City Area Inter Tribal Health Board was awarded a grant in the amount $850,000 for addressing tobacco, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and more in Indian Country targeting federally recognized tribes and urban clinics in the Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas areas.

The Comprehensive Approach to Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country awards are part of a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) initiative to support public health efforts to reduce chronic diseases, promote healthier lifestyles, reduce health disparities, and control health care spending. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will administer the grants, which will run for 5 years, subject to availability of funds.

Overall, HHS awarded $11.2 million in 22 grants to prevent heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and associated risk factors in American Indian tribes and Alaskan Native villages through a holistic approach to population health and wellness. Grantees will work to reduce commercial tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, improve nutrition and physical activity, increase support for breastfeeding, increase health literacy, and strengthen team-based care and links between community resources and clinical services.

Half of the awards will support tribes directly and the other half will support tribal organizations to provide leadership, technical assistance, training, and resources to tribes and villages in their Indian Health Service Administrative Areas. The program is financed by the Prevention and Public Health Fund of the Affordable Care Act. The Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas is one of the area tribes receiving the tribal component award.

“The Oklahoma City Area Inter Tribal Health Board is excited about the award announcement today and for the opportunity to make a difference in the upcoming 5 years of the award for the American Indians residing in the Oklahoma City Area. The award affords the Health Board, Tribes, and Urban clinics to work together regarding chronic disease prevention’ Tim Tall Chief, Chairman for the Oklahoma City Area Inter Tribal Health stated.
“The cost of managing chronic diseases is immense and growing,” said Tall Chief. “In this country, chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death, disability, and health care costs, accounting for 7 of 10 deaths among Americans each year, and more than 80 percent of the $2.7 trillion our nation spends annually on medical care.”

Compared with the general U.S. population, with some regional exceptions, American Indian and Alaskan Native people have significantly higher rates of tobacco use, obesity, and physical inactivity and lower consumption of fruits and vegetables—important risk factors for chronic diseases.

To learn more about the prevention and wellness projects, visit
