Opportunity for BNGAP Members to Attend NIH National Research Mentoring Network Train-the-Trainer Workshop on Mentoring
April 25, 2016
This FREE training program was designed to help you become better equipped at mentoring diverse individuals in becoming NIH funded researchers.
Workshop Details:
Rutgers NJMS, 185 South Orange Avenue, Newark, NJ
Thursday, July 7th
8am – 4pm (tentative)
Master Facilitators include Stephanie House; Christine Sorkness, PharmD; and Anne Marie Weber-Main, PhD; from the University of Wisconsin (where the Entering Mentoring curriculum was developed) and Kelly Diggs-Andrews, PhD, of the American Society for Microbiology.
Application Process:
Workshop is limited to 25 faculty (Residents and Fellows are encouraged to apply if they have a distinguished CV and interest in academic medicine). Priority will be given to faculty/trainee teams of two or more from academic health centers in the Northeast. Modest funding will be available for faculty participants to host mentoring workshops at their own institutions.
To apply for the workshops, click here: http://goo.gl/forms/4W6Zm5sVVD
Information regarding hotels and transportation will be provided to all those registered at a later date. Deadline for applications: Friday, April 29th.
Please share this e-mail with colleagues who may be interested in mentoring a diverse biomedical research workforce or hosting a mentoring workshop at their institution.
For further information regarding session hosted by Rutgers NJMS/BNGAP session please contact J.P. Sanchez MD, MPH, jp.sanchez@njms.rutgers.edu