
School Health Index Trainer Recruitment

January 5, 2015
Posted by AAIP News on 01/05/2015

School Health Index Trainers:

Deadline to submit application: January 26th, 2015

Send “SHI Trainer Application” to

The Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP) is pleased to announce an opportunity for tribal schools through the School Health Index Project (SHI): Self- Assessment & Planning Guide.

“The School Health Index (SHI) is a self-assessment and planning guide that was developed by CDC in partnership with school administrators and staff, school health experts, parents, and national nongovernmental health and education agencies to:”

  • Enable schools to identify strengths and weaknesses of health and safety policies and programs
  • Enable schools to develop an action plan for improving student health, which can be incorporated into the School Improvement Plan.
  • Engage teachers, parents, students, and the community in promoting health-enhancing behaviors and better health.

AAIP is recruiting for 15 trainers to participate in the CDC’s School Health Index (SHI) and CDC’s Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Schools. The selected trainers will implement SHI for tribal schools and public/private schools with high American Indian/ Alaskan Native enrollment.

Selected trainers will be required to participate in training with CDC’s School Health Index (SHI) and CDC’s Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Schools in Atlanta, GA that will include a travel stipend. Along with the travel stipend there will be a funding opportunity for each AAIP SHI trainer to conduct 4 SHI trainings for governmental employees or schools. Each AAIP SHI trainers will receive $750.00 per training workshop. Also, selected trainers will be asked to recruit tribal participants and will receive $140 per school that the trainer recruits.

For additional information or questions contact Laurisa Soap at

Send “SHI Trainer Application” to

If you are having trouble downloading the Trainer Application please contact Laurissa Soap at 405-946-7072.

SHI Additional Info