AAIP now accepting Abstract Submissions for 51st Annual Meeting & Health Conference
May 16, 2023
- A forum for various healthcare professionals, policy makers, and tribal/community members concerned with AI/AN healthcare, community wellness, and honoring Native Traditions, to present and discuss their work through posters, presentations, workshops, and panel discussions.
- Understanding many paradigms are translatable to the AI/AN community, we welcome research and programs form diverse participants
- A national forum for student recruitment into health professions.
- Abstracts selected will be published in the conference program and the AAIP website
For full consideration of your abstract submission, you must include a Biography/CV and Speaker Disclosure Form (These will be submitted through the Survey Monkey link below). If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified if your presentation will be held in a plenary or breakout session. For preliminary planning purposes, your presentation should be 45 minutes in length with 5-10 minutes for questions and answers. Presentations must be designed to convey substantive material appropriate for CME credit. You must indicate if a co-author intends to co-present. Those who do not indicate that they wish to present prior to CME approval will not be allowed to speak at the conference.
ABSTRACT DETAILS (to be submitted through Survey Monkey link below)
Please attach a brief abstract (limit of 500 words) that is double spaced and 12-point font that is Times New Roman or Arial. Abstracts should indicate:
1. Presentation title
2. Objectives of your presentation (i.e., basic points to be covered). Please include at least three learning objectives. These objectives should state: “At the completion of this presentation, participants should be better able to…..”
3. Data based presentations must also include: 1) methods (including sources of data, study design, timeframe, process of sample selection and the statistics utilized) and 2) succinct summary of results and conclusions
DEADLINE: Friday, July 28, 2023
All presenters must sign a disclosure form for the abstract submission to be considered complete. Selected presenters are responsible for their own travel, hotel and other miscellaneous expenses.
Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract and/or poster.