
IHS Externship Applications are Open

December 14, 2022

Applications are now being accepted for the Indian Health Service Summer 2023 Externship Program. Externships will be from May 2023 through August 2023. These positions are being filled under Excepted Service. Transcripts are required documentation for this position. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted.

Eligible degree programs for Summer 2023 (must be accepted into program at time of application):
Pre-Nursing (Sophomore Level, leading to a Bachelor Degree of Science)
Pre- Medicine (Junior/Senior Level, leading to a Bachelor Degree of Science)
Pre-Dentistry (Junior/Senior Level, leading to a Bachelor Degree of Science)

Must be enrolled in the Bachelor Degree program by January 1, 2023:
Environmental Health
Clinical Laboratory Scientist

Must be enrolled in the Master Degree program by January 1, 2023:
Nurse Midwife
Social Work (LCSW)
Nurse Practitioner
Physician Assistant

Must be enrolled in the Doctoral Degree program by January 1, 2023:
Clinical Psychology
Nurse Anesthetist
Nurse Practitioner (DNP)
Physician, Allopathy
Physician, Osteopathy
Physical Therapy

Duties include:

  • Gain working knowledge and experience in your chosen health profession or field with Indian Health Service during non-academic periods for up to 120 workdays per calendar year.
  • Assist preceptor in daily duties in their academic field.
  • Assist and prepare reports on assigned projects.
  • Assist on day to day administrative operations by performing tasks related to their department functions.

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